The Asian yin yang scholars thought that all energy was connected to the four Chinese elements. First, Water. Second, Earth. Third, Fire. And Fourth Air. To the Asian Chinese scholars certain people got the character traits from the elements. Some water, some fire, etc.
Water is calm and flowing. Water's season is winter. People who's dominant element is water tend to enjoy there own time with themselves. They love the beach and rivers. Water has no definite shape so it deals with imagination and creativity. Water's main colors are black and dark blue.
Earth is solid and strong. Earth people love to be social, even if they don't show it. Earth types are very trustworthy and hard to upset. Earth is very stable and safe which means they don't sweat the small stuff. Earth's colors are yellow, brown and green.
Fire is constantly changing. Fire's dominant season is summer. Fire types are exiting adventurers who love change. Fire types have a charm that makes them very hard not to like. Fire glows and burns, which is similar to passion. Fire's colors are red and orange.
Air is free and wild. Air is also sometimes to referred to as wind. Air's season is fall. Air people are the most free and fun loving people there is. Air always moves and swirls which resembles living and enjoying life. Air types are always out doing fun activities. Air's colors are white and clear colors.
Impressive, love the facts and the pictures, keep it coming Bridger
Which one dominates you?
Very Cool Blog! I love the dramatic music and cool photos. I love to learn about the Asian culture, so your blog will definately be on my daily hitlist.
PS: Feel free to "tag along." All you need is a one way ticket and you can hitch a ride back with us. :)
Bridger- impressive blog! cool facts, I'de heard those but forgot about them, interesting to read. I'm with Cabes, which are you?
Super cool blog Bridger.
Have you seen the cartoon, "Avatar, the last air bender"? We love it, and it's very elemental.
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